Hands-on session

Welcome to the hands-on session.
In the next two hours, you will learn about how to use pyiron via the following notebooks:

  • intro_pyiron_building_blocks/intro.ipynb: via a simulation, you will learn about building blocks of pyiron.

  • customized_job/custom_python_job.ipynb: you will learn how to implement a custom python job

  • customized_job/custom_bash_job.ipynb: you will learn how to implement a custom non-python job, here a bash example is chosen.

  • lammps_damask/lammps_damask_workflow.ipynb: you will see how one can combine different tools in pyiron to analyze the macroscopic response of a material.

General guide on how to use jupyter environment

pyiron uses jupyter environement as its front end, which can function as a full IDE.

On left:

  • file explorer

  • Overview of open notebooks and running kernels

  • table of content

  • Extension manager

On the write: a configurable workspace.

  • write code

  • jupyternotebooks

  • open images of different formats

  • Open a terminal, and execute bash commands

  • and a lot more using various kernel availabe

working with jupyter notebooks

Jupyter notebooks consists of number of cells and their outputs.

print("welcome to the onboarding workshop")
welcome to the onboarding workshop


  • Edit mode, via pressing enter you can type your code in the cells

  • Command mode, enter ESC to exit edit mode

Create a markdown cell

In command mode, you can enter M and turn a cell to a markdown cell, to write your text.

Execute a cell

In edit mode, after writing your code, you can execute the cell via the following options:

- ctrl+enter — runs only the current cells
- shift+enter — runs the current cell and move to the next cell
- alt+enter — runs the current cell and create a new cell afterwards.

print("This is PMD onboarding workshop")
This is PMD onboarding workshop

Top menu

Most useful menues are:

  • kernel

  • Run

Restart and interupt kernels

  • To restart the kernel, you can use the update sign on top

  • To interupt the kernel, you can use the stop sign on top