Macroscopic response based on atomistic properties

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Concentration dependent elastic constants

Here we demonstrate the new SQSElasticConstantsList job, which gets elastic constants as a function of chemical composition.

This job works by using special quasirandom structures (implemented by Dominik Gehringer and Jan Janssen) to create cells with the requested chemical composition from a base crystal structure. These are then evaluated for their elastic constants (implemented by Yuri Lysogorskiy). These are fully relaxed and the basic output is the chemical composition and full 6x6 elastic matrix. (More detailed output is available from the underlying SQSElasticConstants job stored in HDF5, but user-friendly bindings are not currently implemented.)

These components were assembled together in a single job (implemented by Liam Huber) that takes a list of dictionaries giving the desired chemical compositions (e.g. {'Al': 0.95, 'Mg': 0.04, '0': 0.01} for 95% Aluminium 4% Magnesium and 1% vacancies) and three reference jobs: a ref_ham which says how the structures should be interpreted for forces and energies (e.g. a Lammps job with a particular potential) – the structure of this job provides the base crystal upon which the chemical compositions are imposed – and ref_sqs and ref_elastic which hold the input parameters for the SQS and elastic constant calculation components.

The current implementation only facilitates modal run modes and is not heavily tested. The example below takes less than 30 minutes on a single core, so for the purposes of demonstration this is not a serious limitation.

%matplotlib inline
from pyiron_atomistics import Project
import pyiron_gpl
import pyiron_continuum
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import yaml
pr = Project('elastic_pipeline')

Run the calculation

Our test system will be Al with dilute Mg (up to 2%). Here we define the reference jobs, give our desired compositions.

Minimize the structure for a pure Al cubic cell

lmp_mini = pr.create_job(pr.job_type.Lammps, 'lammps_mini')
lmp_mini.structure = pr.create_ase_bulk('Al', cubic=True).repeat(5)
lmp_mini.potential = '2009--Mendelev-M-I--Al-Mg--LAMMPS--ipr1'
The job lammps_mini was saved and received the ID: 98

Creating quasirandom structure based on the minimized Al structure

Based on a given concentration of Mg, quasirandom structure for the given composition of Al and Mg is created.

sqs_job_al = pr.create_job(
sqs_job_al.structure = lmp_mini.get_structure()
sqs_job_al.input['iterations'] = 1000
master_al = sqs_job_al.create_job(

master_al.input["fraction_lst"] = [0.005, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02]
master_al.input["species_one"] = "Mg"
master_al.input["species_two"] = "Al"
The job master_al was saved and received the ID: 99
The job sqs_0_005 was saved and received the ID: 100
Mole fractions were corrected to: {'Mg': 0.004, 'Al': 0.996}
Threads used: 1
The job sqs_0_01 was saved and received the ID: 101
Threads used: 1
The job sqs_0_015 was saved and received the ID: 102
Mole fractions were corrected to: {'Mg': 0.016, 'Al': 0.984}
Threads used: 1
The job sqs_0_02 was saved and received the ID: 103
Threads used: 1
concentration_lst = [0.0] + [0.005, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02]
structure_lst = [lmp_mini.get_structure()] + master_al.list_of_structures
[s.get_chemical_formula() for s in structure_lst]
['Al500', 'Al498Mg2', 'Al495Mg5', 'Al492Mg8', 'Al490Mg10']

Creating ElasticMatrixJob

The ElasticMatrixJob runs underneath several lammps jobs to determine the elastic constant for the given structure.

for s in structure_lst:
    lmp_template = pr.create_job(pr.job_type.Lammps, 'lammps_tmp')
    lmp_template.potential = '2009--Mendelev-M-I--Al-Mg--LAMMPS--ipr1'
    lmp_template.server.run_mode.interactive = True
    lmp_template.interactive_enforce_structure_reset = True
    lmp_template.structure = s
    elastic = lmp_template.create_job(pr.job_type.ElasticMatrixJob, 'elastic_' + s.get_chemical_formula())
    elastic.input['num_of_points'] = 5
    elastic.input['fit_order'] = 2
    elastic.input['eps_range'] = 0.005
    elastic.input['relax_atoms'] = True
    elastic.input['sqrt_eta'] = True
The job elastic_Al500 was saved and received the ID: 104
The job elastic_Al500_lammps_tmp was saved and received the ID: 105
/home/muhammad/miniconda3/envs/workshop_test/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyiron_atomistics/lammps/ UserWarning: Warning: setting upper trangular matrix might slow down the calculation
The job elastic_Al498Mg2 was saved and received the ID: 106
The job elastic_Al498Mg2_lammps_tmp was saved and received the ID: 107
The job elastic_Al495Mg5 was saved and received the ID: 108
The job elastic_Al495Mg5_lammps_tmp was saved and received the ID: 109
The job elastic_Al492Mg8 was saved and received the ID: 110
The job elastic_Al492Mg8_lammps_tmp was saved and received the ID: 111
The job elastic_Al490Mg10 was saved and received the ID: 112
The job elastic_Al490Mg10_lammps_tmp was saved and received the ID: 113

post-processing the data

A very useful, datamining tool in pyiron is pyiron tables. They can search through the jobs and filter based on the query the necessary information in the form of a table.

First, let’s take a look at the job table.

id status chemicalformula job subjob projectpath project timestart timestop totalcputime computer hamilton hamversion parentid masterid
0 98 finished Al500 lammps_mini /lammps_mini /home/muhammad/ workspace/tmp/PMD-workflow-workshop2/3_lammps_damask_workflow/elastic_pipeline/ 2021-04-29 00:39:45.740226 2021-04-29 00:39:46.235415 0.0 pyiron@cmleo14#1 Lammps 0.1 None NaN
1 99 finished Al500 master_al /master_al /home/muhammad/ workspace/tmp/PMD-workflow-workshop2/3_lammps_damask_workflow/elastic_pipeline/ 2021-04-29 00:39:47.199526 2021-04-29 00:39:50.651729 3.0 pyiron@cmleo14#1#4/4 SQSMaster 0.0.1 None NaN
2 100 finished Al498Mg2 sqs_0_005 /sqs_0_005 /home/muhammad/ workspace/tmp/PMD-workflow-workshop2/3_lammps_damask_workflow/elastic_pipeline/master_al_hdf5/ 2021-04-29 00:39:47.599948 2021-04-29 00:39:48.075268 0.0 pyiron@cmleo14#1 SQSJob 0.1 None 99.0
3 101 finished Al495Mg5 sqs_0_01 /sqs_0_01 /home/muhammad/ workspace/tmp/PMD-workflow-workshop2/3_lammps_damask_workflow/elastic_pipeline/master_al_hdf5/ 2021-04-29 00:39:48.427215 2021-04-29 00:39:48.870143 0.0 pyiron@cmleo14#1 SQSJob 0.1 None 99.0
4 102 finished Al492Mg8 sqs_0_015 /sqs_0_015 /home/muhammad/ workspace/tmp/PMD-workflow-workshop2/3_lammps_damask_workflow/elastic_pipeline/master_al_hdf5/ 2021-04-29 00:39:49.232829 2021-04-29 00:39:49.687223 0.0 pyiron@cmleo14#1 SQSJob 0.1 None 99.0
5 103 finished Al490Mg10 sqs_0_02 /sqs_0_02 /home/muhammad/ workspace/tmp/PMD-workflow-workshop2/3_lammps_damask_workflow/elastic_pipeline/master_al_hdf5/ 2021-04-29 00:39:50.049933 2021-04-29 00:39:50.634892 0.0 pyiron@cmleo14#1 SQSJob 0.1 None 99.0
6 104 finished Al500 elastic_Al500 /elastic_Al500 /home/muhammad/ workspace/tmp/PMD-workflow-workshop2/3_lammps_damask_workflow/elastic_pipeline/ 2021-04-29 00:39:55.202153 2021-04-29 00:39:59.327718 4.0 pyiron@cmleo14#1#0 ElasticMatrixJob 0.0.1 None NaN
7 105 finished Al500 elastic_Al500_lammps_tmp /elastic_Al500_lammps_tmp /home/muhammad/ workspace/tmp/PMD-workflow-workshop2/3_lammps_damask_workflow/elastic_pipeline/ 2021-04-29 00:39:55.967242 2021-04-29 00:39:58.445134 2.0 pyiron@cmleo14#1 Lammps 0.1 None 104.0
8 106 finished Al498Mg2 elastic_Al498Mg2 /elastic_Al498Mg2 /home/muhammad/ workspace/tmp/PMD-workflow-workshop2/3_lammps_damask_workflow/elastic_pipeline/ 2021-04-29 00:40:00.037555 2021-04-29 00:40:18.600354 18.0 pyiron@cmleo14#1#0 ElasticMatrixJob 0.0.1 None NaN
9 107 finished Al498Mg2 elastic_Al498Mg2_lammps_tmp /elastic_Al498Mg2_lammps_tmp /home/muhammad/ workspace/tmp/PMD-workflow-workshop2/3_lammps_damask_workflow/elastic_pipeline/ 2021-04-29 00:40:00.500052 2021-04-29 00:40:17.934727 17.0 pyiron@cmleo14#1 Lammps 0.1 None 106.0
10 108 finished Al495Mg5 elastic_Al495Mg5 /elastic_Al495Mg5 /home/muhammad/ workspace/tmp/PMD-workflow-workshop2/3_lammps_damask_workflow/elastic_pipeline/ 2021-04-29 00:40:22.721718 2021-04-29 00:40:57.110507 34.0 pyiron@cmleo14#1#0 ElasticMatrixJob 0.0.1 None NaN
11 109 finished Al495Mg5 elastic_Al495Mg5_lammps_tmp /elastic_Al495Mg5_lammps_tmp /home/muhammad/ workspace/tmp/PMD-workflow-workshop2/3_lammps_damask_workflow/elastic_pipeline/ 2021-04-29 00:40:23.541115 2021-04-29 00:40:56.249995 32.0 pyiron@cmleo14#1 Lammps 0.1 None 108.0
12 110 finished Al492Mg8 elastic_Al492Mg8 /elastic_Al492Mg8 /home/muhammad/ workspace/tmp/PMD-workflow-workshop2/3_lammps_damask_workflow/elastic_pipeline/ 2021-04-29 00:41:04.401548 2021-04-29 00:41:38.212428 33.0 pyiron@cmleo14#1#0 ElasticMatrixJob 0.0.1 None NaN
13 111 finished Al492Mg8 elastic_Al492Mg8_lammps_tmp /elastic_Al492Mg8_lammps_tmp /home/muhammad/ workspace/tmp/PMD-workflow-workshop2/3_lammps_damask_workflow/elastic_pipeline/ 2021-04-29 00:41:05.156680 2021-04-29 00:41:37.485178 32.0 pyiron@cmleo14#1 Lammps 0.1 None 110.0
14 112 finished Al490Mg10 elastic_Al490Mg10 /elastic_Al490Mg10 /home/muhammad/ workspace/tmp/PMD-workflow-workshop2/3_lammps_damask_workflow/elastic_pipeline/ 2021-04-29 00:41:49.242406 2021-04-29 00:42:23.309427 34.0 pyiron@cmleo14#1#0 ElasticMatrixJob 0.0.1 None NaN
15 113 finished Al490Mg10 elastic_Al490Mg10_lammps_tmp /elastic_Al490Mg10_lammps_tmp /home/muhammad/ workspace/tmp/PMD-workflow-workshop2/3_lammps_damask_workflow/elastic_pipeline/ 2021-04-29 00:41:50.149249 2021-04-29 00:42:22.453847 32.0 pyiron@cmleo14#1 Lammps 0.1 None 112.0

filtering jobs

By the filter_function, from the pr.job_table() we filter the jobs with name elastic_* and not the template lammps jobs.

def filter_function(job): 
    return "elastic_" in job.job_name and "lammps_tmp" not in job.job_name

Obtaining elastic moduli

get_c11, get_c12 and get_c44 functions, look into the queried jobs of the filter_function and obtain the elastic moduli from the jobs.

def get_c11(job):
    return job["output/elasticmatrix"]["C"][0,0]

def get_c12(job):
    return job["output/elasticmatrix"]["C"][0,1]

def get_c44(job):
    return job["output/elasticmatrix"]["C"][3,3]
table = pr.create_table()
table.filter_function = filter_function
table.add["C11"] = get_c11
table.add["C12"] = get_c12
table.add["C44"] = get_c44
100%|██████████| 17/17 [00:00<00:00, 960.89it/s]
 20%|██        | 1/5 [00:00<00:00,  8.98it/s]
The job table was saved and received the ID: 114
100%|██████████| 5/5 [00:01<00:00,  3.00it/s]
df_data = table.get_dataframe()
job_id C11 C12 C44
0 104 110.193270 61.752630 32.746691
1 106 111.879613 62.840538 33.243125
2 108 113.043400 64.484805 34.110036
3 110 114.186882 66.304002 34.947656
4 112 115.628680 67.263743 35.473180


Finally, let’s use numpy to make a polynomial fit of our elastic constants to alloying concentration and visualize the results.

Note: pure-Al data lines up very nicely with the pure Al elastic constants reported on the NIST website for this potential.

concentrations = np.array(concentration_lst)
C11_data = df_data["C11"].values
C12_data = df_data["C12"].values
C44_data = df_data["C44"].values
fit_degree = 2
C11_fit = np.polyfit(concentrations, C11_data, deg=fit_degree)
C12_fit = np.polyfit(concentrations, C12_data, deg=fit_degree)
C44_fit = np.polyfit(concentrations, C44_data, deg=fit_degree)
c = np.linspace(concentrations.min(), concentrations.max(), 100)  # 'Continuous' concentration
# p(x) = p[0] * x**deg + ... + p[deg]
[-1455.41215732   292.67002594   110.27798032]
[-232.58951752  294.36557718   61.62037628]
[ 82.53942106 141.49939749  32.67676254]
for color, data, fit, label in zip(
    [C11_data, C12_data, C44_data], 
    [C11_fit, C12_fit, C44_fit],
    ['C11', 'C12', 'C44']
    plt.scatter(concentrations, data, color=color)
    plt.plot(c, np.polyval(fit, c), color=color, label=label)
plt.xlabel('Mg concentration')
plt.ylabel('Elastic constant (GPa)')

DAMASK Simulations

The steps include, defining:

  • geometries

  • grains

  • loading

  • material properties based on the atomistically-evaluated

  • perfoming simulations

concentration_sample = [concentrations[0],concentrations[-1]]
with open('../pyiron/resources/damask/material.yaml') as f:
    material = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
with open('../pyiron/resources/damask/tensionX.load') as f:
    tension = f.readlines()


In order to create DAMASK jobs for the given number of concentration, please fill in the missing line.

job_lst = []
for i,c in enumerate(concentration_sample):
    job = pr.create_job(pr.job_type.DAMASKjob, "damask_" + 'mg_{}'.format(int(c*100)))
    job.material = material
    job.tension = tension
    job.input['C11'] = float(np.polyval(C11_fit, c))
    job.input['C12'] = float(np.polyval(C12_fit, c))
    job.input['C44'] = float(np.polyval(C44_fit, c))
The job damask_mg_0 was saved and received the ID: 115
The job damask_mg_2 was saved and received the ID: 116

Post-processing DAMASK simulations

  • Von-Mises stress for each case is calculated

  • The Stress-strain data is evaluated for each case

stresses, strains = [], []
for job in job_lst: 
    damask_results = job.output
 ██████████████████████████████████████████████████ 100% ETA 0:00:00
 ██████████████████████████████████████████████████ 100% ETA 0:00:00
 ██████████████████████████████████████████████████ 100% ETA 0:00:00
 ██████████████████████████████████████████████████ 100% ETA 0:00:00
 ██████████████████████████████████████████████████ 100% ETA 0:00:00
 ██████████████████████████████████████████████████ 100% ETA 0:00:00
 ██████████████████████████████████████████████████ 100% ETA 0:00:00
 ██████████████████████████████████████████████████ 100% ETA 0:00:00
 ██████████████████████████████████████████████████ 100% ETA 0:00:00
 ██████████████████████████████████████████████████ 100% ETA 0:00:00
 ██████████████████████████████████████████████████ 100% ETA 0:00:00
 ██████████████████████████████████████████████████ 100% ETA 0:00:00
 ██████████████████████████████████████████████████ 100% ETA 0:00:00
 ██████████████████████████████████████████████████ 100% ETA 0:00:00


Von-Mises Stress

import os
import pyvista as pv
mesh ='.')[0]) + f'_inc0{inc}.vtr')  #enter the file name you wish to view
from itkwidgets import view
import itk
HeaderData Arrays
N Cells4096
N Points4913
X Bounds0.000e+00, 1.000e+00
Y Bounds0.000e+00, 1.000e+00
Z Bounds0.000e+00, 1.000e+00
Dimensions17, 17, 17
N Arrays5
NameFieldTypeN CompMinMax
phase/mechanics/sigma / PaCellsfloat329-8.754e+071.532e+08
phase/mechanics/epsilon_V^0.0(F) / 1Cellsfloat329-8.657e-031.126e-02
phase/mechanics/sigma_vM / PaCellsfloat3215.698e+071.312e+08
phase/mechanics/epsilon_V^0.0(F)_vM / 1Cellsfloat3211.062e-031.250e-02
pl = pv.PlotterITK()

Stress-strain curve

%matplotlib inline
i = 0;
colors = ['r','g','b']
#for color, strain, stress, c in zip(colors, strains, stresses, concentrations):
plt.plot(strains[0], stresses[0], 'r', linewidth=2, label = 'Mg={}%'.format(0*100))
plt.plot(strains[1], stresses[1], 'b', linestyle="None",marker = 'o' ,label = 'Mg={}%'.format(0.01*100))
#plt.plot(strains[1], stresses[2], 'g', linestyle="None",marker = '*' ,label = 'Mg={}%'.format(0.02*100))
#plt.ylim(90, 95)
plt.ylabel('Stress- MPa')
plt.legend( loc='lower right')
 #   i= i+1;
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Stress-Strain')