
Table of Contents


Request Certificate

Please send your request for a PMD-S certificate via our contact form (login required!) https://www.material-digital.de/contact/?subject=Netzwerk-+und+Sicherheitsarchitektur.

If the direct link above does not work, go to https://material-digital.de/contact/, log in and choose the subject “Network and security architecture”.

Your request MUST include at least the following information:

  • The public (sub)domain which points to your PMD-S’ public IPv4 address
  • Your country code (DE, FR, UK, US etc.)
  • Name of your company/institute (Fraunhofer ABC, KIT, BAM etc.)
  • Name of your business unit (IT, Materials Department etc.)

If everything is alright, you will receive a ZIP file containing your identity certificate and key file.

Adjust Firewall

  • Make sure your public IP can be reached via port 29292 for both UDP and TCP.

Check IPv6 is Enabled on Your System

  • Check with e.g. sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6, which should show 0. Otherwise enable it (typically with sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 and by making changes persistent through editing /etc/sysctl.conf).

Check Wireguard (Kernels < 5.6 only!)

  • When using a kernel version < 5.6, check that the wireguard kernel module is available and loaded:
sudo modprobe wireguard 
sudo lsmod | grep wireguard

Get the Repository

If not done yet, download/clone this (pmd-server) repository on your PMD-S.

git clone https://github.com/materialdigital/pmd-server.git
cd pmd-server


Automatic Setup using PMD Setup Container

  • Change (cd) into the mesh directory (i.e. wg-mesh).
  • When migrating from an old setup, do docker compose down to stop the currently running mesh containers and remove the old Docker network via docker network rm wgnet.
  • Run docker run --rm --pull always -v $(pwd):/composer_root -v /run/docker.sock:/run/docker.sock -e IEK=<your-iek-uuid> materialdigital/setup from within this directory.
  • Check the output for setup warnings and resolve them accordingly.
Example result ``` Status: Downloaded newer image for materialdigital/setup:latest Performing initial enrollment via EST... Establish trust into PMD CA... The CA fingerprint was successfully checked, trust anchor has been established. Generating private key and certificate signing request (CSR)... ----- Performing EST enrollment request... Certificate acquired, enrollment successful! Executing configuration script... DEBUG - Client Assertion Payload: {"iss":"...", ...,"aud":"https://daps.material-digital.de"} DEBUG - Client Assertion (encoded): ... DEBUG - Access Token: ... Retrieving OpenID Config from https://daps.material-digital.de/.well-known/openid-configuration... Retrieving JWKS from https://daps.material-digital.de/jwks.json... ### THIS IS YOUR PMD CONFIGURATION: ### PMDC_SUBNET_PREFIX=xxxx:x:x:x:: WG_ENDPOINT=pmd-s.open-semantic-lab.org:29292 SUBNET_PREFIX=xxxx:x:x:x:: PMD_ZONE=xxx.pmd.internal CA_FP=xxx Sourcing newly created .env file... Setting up docker network for PMD mesh... PMD mesh Docker network created with ID "xxx" ```
  • Obtain your identity certificate/key files from https://daps.material-digital.de, place them under pmd_config/wg/ and name them participant.{crt/key}. Make sure that participant.crt contains the full chain (cert, sub-ca and ca, in that order). Additionally, place the root certificate in pmd_config/wg/root.crt.
  • Create the wgnet Docker network with docker network create --ipv6 --subnet= --subnet=<your-wg-mesh-subnet> wgnet, using the IPv6 subnet which has been assigned to you.
  • Create/edit the .env file, and adapt WG_ENDPOINT, SUBNET_PREFIX and PMD_ZONE to the values which have been assigned to you. You should normally not alter the PMDC_SUBNET_PREFIX variable.
  • In case subnet has not been available, you also have to specify IPV4_DNS_IP (IPv4 IP of DNS service) and IPV4_SUBNET (IPv4 subnet of wgnet in CIDR notation).


When properly set up, you should be able to start your mesh via docker compose pull && docker compose up -d. (The docker compose pull && part is optional but strongly recommended to make sure that you don’t use any outdated images.)

If you also want to start a demo app container for testing, run docker compose --profile debug up -d. (This requires that you launch the commands from the PMD mesh git repository with the corresponding Dockerfile.)

Run curl http://localhost:8000/connect/<DOMAIN>/<PORT> on the host (assuming the wireguard container materialdigital/wg has exposed port 8000) to connect to another mesh participant.

Example result ``` peer: WireGuardPeerConfig { endpoint: ":", subnet: "xxxx:x:x:x::/xx", pub_key: "xxx" }, dat: ... ``` </details> Run `wg` within the wireguard container (`materialdigital/wg`) to list all active connections.
Example result ``` interface: wg0 public key: xxx/xxx private key: (hidden) listening port: xxxxx peer: XXX (e.g. PMD-C) endpoint: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx allowed ips: xxxx:x:x:x::/xx latest handshake: 1 minute, 21 seconds ago transfer: 8.16 KiB received, 8.23 KiB sent persistent keepalive: every 25 seconds peer: XXX (e.g. another institute) endpoint: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx allowed ips: xxxx:x:x:x::/xx latest handshake: 1 minute, 30 seconds ago transfer: 220 B received, 180 B sent persistent keepalive: every 25 seconds ```
To test the connection the an exposed service of another participant run, e.g. within your app container, `ping ..pmd.internal` . ### Adding Services (Docker Containers) to the Mesh In order to join the PMD mesh, containers have to fulfill a few requirements: - IPv6 has to be enabled, typically via `--sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0` or in `compose.yml` files via the `sysctl` section. - In order to resolve PMD mesh domains, the local PMD DNS server has to be specified. This can be done in `compose.yml` files via the `dns` section of the service, or via the `--dns` switch when using the docker CLI. It is recommended to specify both the IPv4 (normally ``) and IPv6 (normally `::fe`) address. (You should find your IPv6 prefix in your `.env` file after a successful setup.) For a docker compose service definition example, see the `app` service in the `compose.yml` of this setup. When all requirements are met, containers can be added to the mesh in these two ways: - Using the docker compose CLI plugin, you can leverage the example `app` service (see `compose.yml`) as a template, add the external `wgnet` network to your `networks` section and the service in your `compose.yml`, and start added/modified services via `docker compose up -d`. - Using the CLI or other tools, when properly configured, you can add the container to the `wgnet` via `docker network connect wgnet <container-id/name>`. As this is more error-prone, please check mesh connectivity and DNS resolution carefully according to the requirements mentioned above. #### wgnet Containers DNS In a properly working setup, each container added to `wgnet` will **automatically receive a PMD DNS entry**. Assuming your DNS zone reads `participant.pmd`, and the name of the container added to `wgnet` is `_my.awesome_container_.123.`, the container will be available as `my-awesome-container-123.participant.pmd`. The mapping of names happens as follows: - All sequences of characters which are not latin characters (A-Z and a-z) or numbers (0-9), are replaced by a single minus (`-`) character. - Minuses at the beginning or end of the sequence are discarded. **Warning:** Please beware, that container names **mapping to the same sequence** can cause **unexpected behavior!** Later containers may override former ones, and especially removal of a container will cause the corresponding DNS entries to be discarded, whereas the entry of a former container will not be restored! ###### tags: `PMD Deployment guide` {: .no_toc }

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